+33 (0)2 51 91 83 46 contact@berthault-engineering.com


Our culture
Our mission
Our value
Our commitment
Our global presence
Our team

Our story begins...

Our history; almost 35 years ago; international; initial impetus; expansion; developments; values; maturity; resilience
The story of BERTHAULT Engineering - Chapter 1: The story begins ...

👉 1990: ... nearly 35 years ago Since the 1990s, long before the establishment of the company, its future founders had amassed significant industrial experiences in management, technical expertise, and administration.

👉 2003: The International Then came international projects, expatriations, and leadership roles in industrial projects in several emerging countries, encounters with other cultures, and life at the heart of economies full of promises, now among the world's leading.

👉 2007: The Initial Impetus It was the current leader, @Olivier BERTHAULT, who provided the impetus by founding BERTHAULT Consulting, immediately oriented towards international endeavors.

👉 2012: The Broadening The company evolved into @BERTHAULT ENGINEERING and gained access to major engineering projects, both for exports and domestically in France.

👉 2014: The Developments The start of a long R&D investment process to develop a new model of global engineering tailored to new investors and industrial players of all sizes. Launch of the Alliance for Global Project network to bring together freelance experts or small businesses within a powerful framework.

👉 2018: The Values Strengthening the strategy around our values of Transmission, the true DNA of the company, including, among others, the Veriselect and Qualiopi certifications...

👉 Today: The Maturity The continually enriched service offering culminates in an original model combining Engineering, Consulting, Training, Audit, and Management.

👉 2030: The Resilience The next chapter of the story is being written daily around this goal of resilience, blending increasing modernity with experience...